Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Out of the Metaphysical, Psychic, Spiritual Closet

OK, it's time to just come right out and write about all of the experiences that I've had over the past year that have convinced me of my own divinity, as well of the divinity of every other human. When I say "divinity," what I mean is that we are all part of something so large that I can't really find adequate words to describe it, but I'll attempt to capture it with something like "Universal Consciousness." I've alluded to this newfound knowledge, or recollection rather, in previous posts, and I've told a few of my closest friends about these happenings, but the time has come to write it all down. These experiences were generally surprising at the time that they occurred, and I didn't know how to process them when they happened. Gradually I've realized that * I AM * much more than just this gorgeous hunk of man flesh, or bag of cells and chemicals, or cognizant animal that you know as Eric Wayne Mix, D.O. I am consciousness that is incarnated or downloaded, if you will, into this body. Many things that I've read in the past year have helped to explain the occurrences which I am about to relate below. I've read quite a few books recently that have given me at least a partial explanation and understanding. If any of my behaviors have seemed strange lately, this will provide some background as to why I've been acting this way. Hopefully this post will make things clearer for everyone, including myself!

Not too long after I got sober in December of 2000, I began to feel like I was waking up from a long, but restless slumber. I even said to some folks, "I feel like I'm just starting to be awake for the first time!" A few months or years into my sobriety (freedom from alcoholic stupor) I started to notice synchronicities very frequently, particularly around the use of my phone. Whenever someone would call me on my cell, more and more often, I had JUST been thinking about them prior to the call. It was like I got a psychic call before I got an electronic call. It also happened the other way around, as I'd call someone who would say to me, "Oh, I was just thinking about you!" These little phone coincidences were simply a source of amusement back then. My explanation to myself at the time was that my mind was simply becoming clearer, so I NOTICED these things more often, as opposed to thinking that maybe they were OCCURRING more often.

Once I had taken my friend Gary to the airport in Corpus Christi, so he could go back to New York. I wrote my cell number on a slip of paper and gave it to him as I dropped him off. About a week later I thought, "I should call Gary and find out when he's flying back so I can pick him up." I called him right then, and when he answered he said, "Oh my GOD, you're never going to believe what just happened! I just finished putting your number into my phone, and just as I hit enter, the phone rang, and it was you!" By the time this one happened, I was starting to get used to it, and it wasn't such a surprise after all. We had quite a good laugh over it. Not only have these little "phone hits" continued, but they have gradually increased in frequency.

Another phone hit that REALLY freaked me out was not just a synchronicity, but rather an outright psychokinesis of sorts. That's about the best word I can come up with to describe what happened on a lazy day last summer. I had been playing phone tag with my friend Allycia all day long while I was flitting around Tulsa being the social butterfly that I am. I had made several other calls and had finished talking with my cousin, Machelle, after which I placed the phone into the cup holder in the console of my car and turned the screen off by pushing the top button. I left the ear phones (buds) in my ears and continued driving. After a few seconds, I heard the soft electronic buzz go silent, as it does shortly after hanging up the phone. Next the thought crossed my mind that I should try calling Allycia again. It was getting kind of late though, and I looked at the clock on the dash of the car which read 9:37. I thought, "Maybe I shouldn't call her now... It is kinda late... she's got a husband and little girl and all...." Then I heard that soft electronic hiss start up in the ear phones. This always happens right before a call comes IN, so I looked at the phone sitting in the cup holder to see who's name and/or picture would show up on the screen. Nothing on the screen, but the soft electronic hiss was still going off and on.... Tsssssst..... Tsssssssssssssst........... Tssst................... Tsssssssss..............Tsssssssssssssst...... Then came the sound of a phone ringing on the other end of the line, as if I had called OUT to someone else. I stared at the phone thinking, "Why isn't the screen on? And why does it sound like the I'm calling someone else?" I picked up the phone and continued staring at it, still hearing the outgoing ringing sound, and I thought, "What the hell?" I pushed the button on the top of the phone which activates the screen, and what I saw on the screen almost made me scream and drop the phone!!! On the screen it said, "Calling Allycia Jones." She didn't answer, but a second or two later her phone went to voicemail. I struggled to get out a few words.... something casual like, "Hey Allycia... phone tag, you're it! Talk to you later." It was all I could do not to scream, "OH MY GOD!!!! My friggin phone just called you by itself when I wasn't even touching it, but I was thinking about calling you!!!!!!!" This particular type of phone psychokinesis hasn't happened since. I don't know how it happened, but I'm absolutely certain of the fact that I wasn't touching the phone at all, other than the contact of the ear buds which were still in my ears. Nor is there any chance that I somehow hit a "redial," as I had been talking to someone else altogether before the phone called Allycia...either by itself, or with a little psychic nudge from my mind.

Not long after the psychic phone call to Allycia, I had another weird iPhone moment. This one took about 24 hours to play out though, and it involved the iPod function of the same phone and my dear friend, Jack. He and I had plans to meet one evening to have dinner with my friend Martha and then see a play afterwards. I was driving toward tulsa earlier in the day, listening to my playlist titled "Women" that has about 20 different female singers featured. As I got closer to Tulsa, I thought, "I wonder if Jack's done with his massage client? Maybe he'd wanna go to Lunch? Should I call him now? No... I'm too close to those cell towers, and the call will drop. I'll call him when I get closer to town." This was at about 11:15 am. Ten minutes later I called him, but got his voicemail and left a message. We didn't have lunch, but met later as planned and had a nice evening, after which I slept over on his couch. The next day we were running around town in my car, driving down the Broken Arrow Expressway when I asked Jack, "Do you ever get a song stuck in your head and wonder where that music is?" to which his head snapped around and he shot back, "You were listening to that Edith Piaf song yesterday morning, weren't you!?!?!?" Stunned, I replied that indeed I had been listening to it on the way to town. Jack said, "You sent that song to me!" As he was finishing up the linen changing process after his massage session the day before, carrying the towels through the kitchen to the washer, he said it was like BAM!! Suddenly someone had turned a stereo on full blast in his head with Edith Piaf wailing away in French, "Allez, venez, Milord! Vous asseoir à ma table...." Months before, I had burned Jack a copy of Edith's songs, "Milord" being at the top of the playlist. He'd listened to it a few times and then put it down and hadn't heard it for several months. On that day, as I was driving to tulsa, thinking about calling Jack, and listening to the song, "Milord," Jack suddenly heard it loud and clear in his head, but from about 15 miles away, apparently. Jack tells me this is an example of my clairaudience. Whatever it is, it feels to me like more than mere coincidence.

Backing up a bit to Spring of 2008, I had an experience which really jump started my interest in paranormal events. It was a dream (during sleep) the likes of which I have never had before or since, and It made a very strong impression on me, since it was so unusual. Throughout my entire life, in my dreams I have always been myself -- Eric Wayne Mix. Never in my dreams have I ever been any other person or creature, or in any different time frame from that in which I was living, in waking life, when the dream occurred. That's why this particular dream was so startling and unusual to me. Part of the reason it was shocking was the absolutely realistic quality. It did NOT have any of the surreality of my usual dreams, but rather was like a vivid scene in a movie in which I was starring. The whole thing lasted about 5 to 10 seconds worth of real time. In the dream, I was suddenly standing and looking down at myself thinking, "What the hell am I doing wearing this women's robe?" I had ahold of the left front edge of it and looked down the front and outside, noticing the gorgeous burgundy color and intricate pattern woven into the silk fabric. The edge that I was holding was a cream colored, quilted, tubular border. As I pulled the left side of it open, I noticed that the inside was equally beautiful gold silk, also with a beautifully woven pattern. There were small loops of cord about two inches each in the inside of the left side of the robe. Upon seeing them I thought, "That must be how to fasten it...I think it's called hook and eye, or something like that... but I don't know how to do that." At this point I looked up and saw a window directly in front of me about eight to ten feet away with bright mid-day sun shining through it. The bottom of the window sill was about three feet above the ground, and the overall height of the window was about three to four feet with the top of the window shaped into an arch. There was no glass in the window. It was just open to the air. I realized looking at the window that the wall into which the window was built was 1.5 to 2 feet thick and made of stone. Then I realized there were several people standing all around me. I didn't look at any of them directly, but I could tell that they were there in the periphery surrounding me. I felt very disoriented and nervous, knowing that they were waiting on me to do something. I thought, "They're waiting on me to fasten this, but I don't know how....OH YEAH....They're supposed to do this for me!" It was like I'd suddenly remembered the key variable in a complicated algebra equation in a moment of EUREKA! So, I held out my arms and waited for them to come to me and finish fastening my robe for me, as this was how things were supposed to be done. Then I woke up.

The experience of this dream really threw me for a loop, but I did have a slight inkling of what had happened. I had heard two of my close friends speak of remembering their past lives. I thought, "Could this be a past life experience?" Rather than a remembered experience, it felt more like * I * (my consciousness) had suddenly ended up in the body of a woman in the midst of an ordinary daily event in medieval life. I spent about 5 to 10 seconds there, then fell back into my body in the current time frame right as I woke up mid morning on a sunny late spring day, 2008, in my country home outside of Hulbert, Oklahoma. Whether it was a past life remembrance or a projection of my consciousness into another space/time/physical reality, it was most assuredly not an ordinary dream at all.

These experiences along with many others have convinced me of one thing -- I AM more than a physical body. The day to day physical reality that I experience with the five senses via this body is but a part of the dynamic, flowing, interconnected wonder of the universe. I KNOW that there is so much more just under the surface, waiting to be discovered. Rather than constructing a several-hundred-billion Euro particle accelerator to unlock the mysteries of the universe, I think I'll continue to hone my skills of concentration, attention, and meditation, thereby discovering who and what I AM. Having caught only the slightest of fleeting glimpses of that beneath the surface of reality with the experiences related above, I no longer have fear of anything on this physical planet. This body will decay but the I AM inside of it will not. I know not what lies in store for me after my journey in a human body on this planet, but I know that something else will continue on, even if it is just some of my heat and electromagnetic energy here on earth. At worst, death of this body will be the great, deep sleep from which I don't awaken. At best, my consciousness will continue into another incarnation of physical reality somewhere else in the universe, or it will join into the universal superconsciousness. Now I'm at peace with whatever may happen.

Eric : )

1 comment:

Dana Stanton said...

Your entry gave me the chills. You and I have spoke of some of these occurrences, but it is different seeing them written down. I have always believed in something more than the physical body. I think some people are more aware than others, but I think we all have basic abilities, but we lose them as we grow up. I firmly believe in a universal life force. For me that force is God. As I study religions and philosophies of other countries and times I become more convinced of an over reaching plan and connectedness that we all share.

I too have had some of the same experiences you describe with the phone - things like knowing who is calling before I pick up. I often experience intense dejavue. I will dream about a situation and for some reason I will remember it vividly after I wake up. It is usually mundane things - places or circumstances I have never been in. Then, sometimes years later, I will find myself in that exact dream situation. It is an odd thing that has happened to me for as long as I can remember. I believe there is much more to our world than meets the physical eye.