Monday, May 18, 2009

Closer to Fine

The title of this post comes to me this morning as I evaluate my mental and emotional states. Some may recognize it as a song title from the Indigo Girls, although the lyrics don't particularly match what I'm going through now, as much as the song title does. Lately, I've been experiencing much more serenity, calm, equanimity, peace, and joy throughout my days. This may sound ludicrous or far-fetched, but the absolute God's honest truth of the matter is that I can not remember the last time that I had what one would consider "a bad day." I do not ever experience them any more. From time to time I do have moments that annoy me, piss me off, enrage me, sadden me, or in some way make me feel bad; however, I'm getting better at catching my mind reacting with these negative emotions... quickly! Then I, the presence behind the mind, can laugh at the folly of my mind (ego) going through those detrimental mental gymnastics. More and more I'm able to act rather than react to any situation which may arise. As I experience more serenity, I am willing to tolerate much less drama. Sure, things continue to happen, but increasingly I'm able to handle them with calm, logic, and positive rather than negative emotions. My mind is a tool that I choose to use for my own enjoyment of this life and to help others to do the same IF THEY WANT MY HELP! Moving toward joy and away from suffering is what I'm doing. The end of suffering and the beginning of eternal bliss is known by some as enlightenment, heaven, or nirvana. Whatever it's called, I know that I want it for myself and for all sentient beings. So, as mentioned above, I'm getting "Closer to Fine" : )


Unknown said...


Thanks for the e-mail this morning. I'm looking forward to reading your posts!!! If my "inner teacher" comes out too much with suggestions, please just tell me to shut up!


Eric Wayne Mix, DO said...

I sincerely hope your inner teacher does come right out and suggest away!!! Thanks, Andy : ))